The Technische Universität Dresden (Dresden University of Technology; TUD) is one of eleven German universities that were identified by the German government as an “excellence university”. Founded in 1828, TUD unites now the natural and engineering sciences with the humanities and social sciences, as well as medicine. TUD has about 37.000 students and almost 4.400 employees, and 520 professors. Being among the best universities of engineering and technology in Germany, TUD is strong in research, offering first-rate programmes with an overwhelming diversity, with close ties to culture, industry and society. As a modern full-status university with 14 departments the university offers a wide academic range making it one of a very few in Germany. As a “synergetic university” TUD closely cooperates with external research institutions, cultural, industrial and social organisations. In 2009 TUD started an association of 14 cultural and research institutions called DRESDEN-concept (Dresden Research and Education Synergies for the Development of Excellence and Novelty), which is unique in Germany.
Address: 01062 Dresden
Email of institute or contacting staff: Bernhard.Mueller
URL TU Dresden:
Members involved in TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA
Bernhard Müller | Project coordinator, Lead of WP6 and Task Lead of WP3 |
Paulina Schiappacasse | Senior researcher, project manager, WP3 and WP6 |
Sarah Strugale | Researcher, WP3 and WP6 |
Mengfan Jiang | Research and management assistant, WP3 and WP6 |
Claudia Hawke | Project management WP6, Lead Task 6.2, Co-lead Task 6.3 |
Alexandra Weitkamp | Task Lead of WP3 |
Andreas Ortner | Researcher, WP3 |
Julia Suering | PhD candidate and researcher, WP3 |
The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) is an establishment of the Leibniz Association for spatially oriented theme-based research focusing on ecological aspects of sustainable development. We investigate the sustainable development and transformation of cities and regions in the context of the global human-ecological crisis, focusing on the dynamic interactions between ecosystems and society at and across multiple spatial scales, as well as options for responsible stewardship. Our research is both disciplinary and interdisciplinary, working across the environmental, social and engineering sciences. It is also transdisciplinary, collaborating closely with stakeholders in the public, private and civil society sectors. We aim to foster environmentally just urban and regional transformations that enable humanity to thrive within a safe ecological operating space.
We set the following research priorities:
Address: Weberplatz 1 • 01217 Dresden • Germany
Phone: +49 351 4679 0
Email of institute or contacting staff: transurbaneuchina
Members involved in TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA
Rößler, Stefanie | Lead of WP3 |
The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is Austria’s largest non-university research institution. With its seven Centers, AIT regards itself as a highly specialized research and development partner for industry and concerns itself with the key infrastructure topics of the future.
AIT is strategically positioned as a key player in the Austrian and European innovation system by performing applied research for and enabling the market exploitation of innovative infrastructure related solutions.
AIT covers the entire spectrum from taking up emerging technologies, first proof of concepts, applied research to transferring these emerging technologies into specific applications up to demonstrators and prototyping. The functionality of “bridging the gap" between research and technology commercialisation is a key aspect of developing new technologies.
The AIT experts involved in this project belong to AIT’s Center for Energy and to AIT’s Center for Innovation Systems and Policy.
Hans-Martin Neumann | WP2 lead | Hans-Martin Neumann is Thematic Coordinator at the Austrian Institute of Technology and leads a team of 15 researchers working in the research field of Smart and Carbon-Neutral Urban Development. He is Deputy Coordinator of the EERA Joint Program Smart Cities and Technical Manager of the Secretariate of the European Smart Cities Lighthouse projects. Hans-Martin Neumann is involved in several Smart City projects in Europe and Asia in leading roles. He holds a degree in Urban and Regional Planning from TU Berlin and is a chartered urban planner. |
Susanne Meyer | Member | She is Senior Expert Advisor at AIT, and her research focuses on transformative research and innovation in the area of Smart Cities. She has a deep expertise in quantitative and qualitative methods of social and economic science and holds a PhD in economic geography from the University of Hannover (Germany). |
Christoph Brodnik | Member | Christoph Brodnik is an Expert Advisor at AIT with an environmental science and management background. He has expertise in qualitative methods, stakeholder engagement and participatory research in the field of sustainability innovation and system transformation. He holds a PhD in Environmental Sociology from Monash University (Australia). |
Daiva Jakutyte-Walangitang | Member | She is an urbanist, experienced in the fields of sustainable spatial/urban planning and design. Her work at AIT is focused on the application of innovative stakeholder engagement processes, moderation of diverse stakeholder groups and research in the field of multi-level governance. She holds a MSc. in European Urban Studies from Bauhaus-University, Weimar (Germany) and a Diploma in Architecture from University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). |
Gudrun Haindlmaier | Member | She is working as a scientist at AIT on policies, transformation and innovation in the area of Smart Cities and sustainability. Furthermore, she is a senior lecturer at the University of Vienna in the field of human and economic geography. Her main expertise lies within mixed methods for social and regional science, participatory formats, place-based policies and urban development. She holds a PhD in spatial planning from the Technical University of Vienna (Austria). |
Kerstin Schmid | Member | Kerstin Schmid is an urban planner. Her work at AIT is mainly related to the Secretariate of the European Smart Cities Lighthouse projects (SCALE project) and to TRANS URBAN EU CHINA. She holds a MSc. in Spatial Planning from TU Wien. |
EUROCITIES ASBL is the network of major European cities. Founded in 1986, the network brings together the local governments of over 130 of Europe’s largest cities that govern 130 million citizens in 35 European countries. EUROCITIES represents the interests of its members and engages in dialogue with the European institutions across a wide range of policy areas affecting cities. Through a wide range of forums, working groups, projects and events, EUROCITIES provides a platform for promoting the instrumental role of local governments in multilevel governance and shaping the focus of EU legislation in a way which allows city governments to tackle strategic challenges at local level. EUROCITIES works across a wide range of urban policy areas: these include climate change, energy and environment, mobility, social affairs, economic development and cohesion policy, culture and the knowledge society. EUROCITIES also has extensive experience in coordinating and participating to EU-funded projects designed to facilitate exchange between cities, policy-makers and researchers.
Address: Sq. de Meeus 1, 1000, Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32-2552-08 46
Email of institute or contacting staff: Nikolaos.kontinakis
URL: @eurocities.eu
Members involved in TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA
Nikolaos Kontinakis | Senior projects coordinator | Nikolaos Kontinakis is the Project Coordinator for the knowledge society forum projects – he works as a project coordinator for the knowledge society and smart cities projects of EUROCITIES. He coordinates the Green Digital Charter initiative ( and EUROCITIES’ work for the development of a performance measurement framework for smart cities under the CITYkeys project ( He also coordinates EUROCITIES’ work for the URBAN-EU-CHINA project (EU-China innovation platform on sustainable urbanisation). For the last 15 years, he has worked as a project coordinator and researcher in the areas of ICT as well as energy policy and the sustainable development of local authorities. |
Bernadett Koteles-Degrendele | Smart cities project coordinator | Bernadett is an EU policy and project expert with a track record of success in working with cities, national governments, and international organisations (European Commission, OECD). She has contributed to several EU-led digital transformation projects on the ground, and researched governance practices across the private sector at national, regional and city level. Her main tasks included the development of impactful policies, benchmarks and indicators; and engaging various stakeholders (cities, regions, national governments, the private sector, SMEs, NGOs) through interviews, at forums, and at workshops. She also analysed and identified key success factors for mobile government and e-procurement take-up, and compared municipalities across borders. In her current role, she is leading Sharing Cities ( on communication, scale-up, and replication activities among cities of different maturity level committed to becoming ‘smarter’ and prepared for a digital transition. She has an active role in the replication and communication task forces created to coordinate the activities of all Smart Cities and Communities lighthouse projects. |
Nathalie Guri | Projects and knowledge sharing director | Nathalie Guri is the EUROCITIES Projects Manager and leads the organization’s project team (a team of 10 people). She works on a wide range of policies, including social inclusion, social entrepreneurship, climate change, new technologies (including e-inclusion). Nathalie Guri is responsible for project implementation, project development and membership services related to projects. She has 10 years of experience in implementing and coordinating EC-funded projects, with a specific focus on social inclusion and social entrepreneurship. Nathalie has led several projects co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) in the UK and in the Czech Republic. Nathalie holds a Master in European Projects Management (Paris). Nathalie is fluent in French (mother tongue), English, Czech and Albanian. |
The Israeli Smart Cities Institute (ISCI) is an NGO composed of world renowned experts from both the Private and Public sectors that support cities in their pathway to becoming smarter through research, consulting and training.
The Israeli Smart Cities Institute (ISCI) mission is to enhance municipal transformation from standard to Smart urban areas, leveraging the Israeli innovative culture and technology. Bringing together the great opportunities of smart technology and methodologies of public space, environmental and community engagement to benefit the quality of life of residents and to make cities attractive for creative newcomers and residents of all ages.
The Istituto di Studi per L'integrazione dei Sistemi (I.S.I.S) - Societa'cooperativa (ISINNOVA) is an independent Italian research institute supporting international, national and local public bodies for the analysis, the design, the implementation and the evaluation of sustainable policies in the fields of energy, environment, transport and mobility, urban planning, and knowledge society. Founded in 1971, for more than four decades, ISINNOVA has supplied expertise and solved complex problems for a variety of public and private organisations, and notably for the European Commission. ISINNOVA has substantial experience in the management of and participation in EU-funded projects in FP4, FP5, FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020 programmes, and has a well-established network of alliances currently active in the Europe and beyond. ISINNOVA has worked extensively in the field of policy impact assessment, particularly with regard to socio-economic impacts and the development and application of forward-looking analysis (FLA) methods and tools.
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has worked with China on cultural heritage and urban regeneration for 25 years (research, innovation and education), and opened its office in Brussels in 2015. NTNU has good relations with industry and paves the way for start-up companies and entrepreneurs, supported by the NTNU Technology Transfer Office in obtaining financing, ensuring relevant patent protection, developing ideas (often with the aid of prototyping), performing market analyses, establishing new companies and negotiating licence agreements. The university uses its main scientific profile in technology and the natural sciences and its cross-disciplinary competency to meet global challenges, summarized by its vision: Knowledge for a better world. Three out of four Strategic Research Areas at NTNU – Sustainability, Energy and Health – contribute directly to sustainable urbanisation, delivering creative innovations with far-reaching social and economic impact in close collaboration with cities, industries, authorities and civil society. NTNU is one of the largest universities in the Nordic countries, with 14 faculties, 70 departments and divisions, 6700 staff and 39000 students.
Address: Department of Architecture and Planning, NTNU • 7491 Trondheim • Norway
URL: ,
Annemie Wyckmans annemie.wyckmans | NTNU project manager, WP-lead |
Task 1.3 lead | |
Task 1.1 Lead | |
Ida Nilstad Pettersen | Participant |
Marius Korsnes | Participant |
Mohamed Hamdy | Participant |
The Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) is one of the top twenty European technical universities for education and research in Engineering and Architecture. POLITO is a comprehensive Research University where synergies are being created by a strong bound between education and research. Founded more than 160 years ago, it counts now more than 33,000 students and around 2,500 people carrying out R&D activities in all fields of Engineering, Architecture and Design. With the research, POLITO tackles the great challenges of today’s society, e.g. such important issues as energy, health, population, food and climate. This contribution to sustainable development is characterised by a rigorous approach and a scientific methodology. POLITO is part of some of the major European interuniversity networks, such as Cesaer, Cluster, Eua, Sefi, T.I.M.E. Politecnico di Torino participates in international networks including: ECSEL, N.ERGHY, E2BA A.i.s.b.l., NEREUS, IAF, EPIC, EERA, EGVIA, EFFRA. POLITO aims at networking with the socio-economical context and at opening new partnerships with industries and multinational companies (about 800 research agreements per year). Relations with China are institutionally coordinated by the China Center, while the China Room is a research center focused on Chinese Urbanization and Architecture.
Politecnico di Torino - China Room,
Castello del Valentino, Viale Mattioli 39
Torino, I-10125
Mail to:
Tel +39 011 090 6473
Michele Bonino | WP1 lead | Architect, Ph.D. in history of architecture, is Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) of Politecnico di Torino, where is the Vice Rector for Relations with China. |
Alberto Bologna | Member | Architect, Ph.D. in history of architecture and town planning is Assistant Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) of Politecnico di Torino. |
Francesca Frassoldati | Task 1.4 lead | Ph.D. in economics, urban and regional development is Associate Professor in Architecture and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture (DAD) of Politecnico di Torino. |
Francesca Governa | Member | Ph.D. in spatial planning is Full professor of Economic and Political Geography at the Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST) of Politecnico di Torino. |
Maria Paola Repellino | Member | Architect, Ph.D. in architecture is Research Assistant of Architecture and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) of Politecnico di Torino, and executive director of the China Room. |
Marco Trisciuoglio | Member | Architect, Ph.D. in architecture is Full Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture and Design (DAD) of Politecnico di Torino. |
The China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (CAUPD) is a national institution directly positioned under the Ministry of Housing and Rural Development, the entity that oversees all urban development in the country. Established in 1952, CAUPD is China’s leading urban planning agency and policy advisor, spearheading the formulation of new urban policies and providing research and technical consultancy on all aspects of the urbanization process. CAUPD’s expertise is broad and multi-disciplinary, spanning the fields of urban development, regional and master planning, civil engineering, architectural design, heritage preservation, and green city planning. As the sole national urban planning institute of its kind, CAUPD has an exceptionally strong and vibrant network of partners and affiliations. CAUPD produces approximately 90% of China’s urban master plans and as such, maintains an unparalleled relationship with various levels of the Chinese government. At the highest levels, these networks include but are not limited to: the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministries of Water and Land Resources, and the Ministry of Agriculture.
The Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR) is a multidisciplinary research institute focusing on, among other things, physical geography and global change, human geography and regional development, natural resources and the environment, geographical information systems and surface simulation, the terrestrial water cycle and water resources, ecosystem network observation and modelling, and Chinese agricultural policy. Through research in these domains, the institute aims to solve major natural resource and environmental problems related to national sustainable development and improve its own innovative capacity at the same time. The institute is home to four state key laboratories in China, and supports two national field observation stations: the China FLUX observation station at Yucheng, Shandong Province and the Lhasa Plateau Ecological Research Station. In addition, the institute has a Physical and Chemical Analysis Centre and five specialized laboratories. These facilities provide excellent conditions for scientific research and observation.
Address: No. 11 Datun Rd. • Chaoyang district • Beijing • PRC
Members involved in TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA
CAI Jianming caijm | group lead: WP2, WP3 | Full professor in IGSNRR, CAS. Senior expert on strategic planning for urban and rural sustainable development, urban agriculture, urban financing, peri-urbanization, urban redevelopment, urban-rural integration. Senior consultant of World Bank and ADB. Coordinator of RUAF China. |
LIN Jing injing | task 3.1 lead | Assistant professor in IGSNRR, CAS. Expert on culture-embedded place making and community building, especially in innovation district evolution, and social inclusive development. Also responsible for international cooperation in IGSNRR. l |
YANG Zhenshan yangzs | task 3.2 lead | Associate professor in IGSNRR, CAS. Expert in urban reginal economic cluster development, land use effeciency, urban agriculture, demographic migration, inclusive social development |
DENG Yu dengy | task 3.3 lead | Associate professor in IGSNRR, CAS. Expert in spatial analysis, land use planning, policy analysis |
SONG Tao songt.11b | task 4.1 lead | Associate professor in IGSNRR, CAS. Expert in geo-politics, smart and resilient city development, eco-tourism, and regional cooperation and integration. |
CHENG Zhe cz1251 | task 4.2 lead | Post-doctoral in Peking University. Expert in Public-private partnership project management, innovation urban financing, policy analysis. |
HAN Wei hanwei1987 | participant | Ph.D candidate in IGSNRR, CAS. Focusing on enterprise-based peri-urban development |
MA Enpu maenpu2015 | participant | Ph.D candidate in IGSNRR, CAS. Focusing on urban agriculture and planning |
HAN Yan hanyeo921 | participant | Ph.D candidate in IGSNRR, CAS. Focusing on sustainable urbanization from perspective of population changes and socio-economic restructuring. |
The Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development (CASTED) is a state-owned institute with 100 positions. Under the people oriented and two-way selected principles, CASTED staffs are allocated to different positions according to functions and research projects. It provides researchers with sufficient development space, respecting both knowledge and talents. CASTED is an important platform and window for international cooperation and exchange in S & T policy research. It cooperates with the outside world in conducting international cooperative research projects, setting up mechanisms for long-term international academic exchange, and organizing international academic conferences to expand its academic influence and cooperation fields.
Address: No.8 Yuyuantan South Road • Haidian District • Beijing • 100038
Email of institute or contacting staff: xuzq
Phone: 18601361825
Members involved in TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA
Zhijian Hu | project lead | Zhijian Hu is the president of CASTED. |
Shuhua Wang | group lead | Shuhua Wang has focused on regional S&T development strategies, planning or urban and rural development as a whole, and the development of agriculture and rural areas. |
Guangxi He | task1.1 contributor | Guangxi He has focused on S&T policies, evaluation of public welfare projects, charity projects as well as other issues related to sociology. |
Zhuqing Xu | project contact staff, task1.2 co-lead | Zhuqing Xu has focused on information development in urban and rural areas, innovation and entrepreneurship system during the development of urbanization. |
Liangliang Bi | task 1.2 contributor | Liangliang Bi has focused on promotion of the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, the construction and optimizing of regional innovation system. |
The China Center for Urban Development (CCUD) is a public institution under the National Development and Reform Commission. Since its establishment in 1998, CCUD has been participating in writing policy documents and providing policy consultancy on urbanization for the Central Government and relevant departments of the State Council; providing guidance to pilot cities and towns for urban development across China; formulating hundreds of socio-economic development plans, spatial development plans and land use plans for local governments; building financial platforms to serve urbanization, urban development and smart city construction; organizing multiple high-level international forums on urbanization and urban development; and building itself as national top think tank on new urbanization.
China Intelligent Urbanization Collaboration Co-creation Center for High Density Region (CIUC) is initiated by Tongji University and jointly established by Tongji University, Fudan University, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China and Chinese Society for Urban Studies. A multi-disciplinary, collaborative and technologically integrative centre, the Centre aims to strike the urbanization development goals of “intensiveness”, “intelligence”, “green” and “low carbon”. Through institutional innovation, the Centre collaborates with research institutes, local authorities and enterprises related with “urbanization” in the Yangtze River Region to support this region’s urbanization, and in the process, to forge CIUC as the top research power of intelligent urbanization in China. CIUC’s scope of activities include: solving crucial issues in intelligent urbanization, nurturing top talents in the sphere of urbanization, functioning as a world class intelligent urbanization knowledge pool and providing theoretical foundations, decision-making consultancy, and technical support for China’s new urbanization.
The scope of the CIUC has been extended lately to host the World Urban Planning Education Network at
Address: CIUC • Wenyuan Building • Tongji University • 1239 Siping Road • Shanghai 200092 • China
Tel: +86-21-65982420 • Fax: 8621 65980547
Prof. WU Zhiqiang (wus) | WP4 co-lead, Task 4.3 lead |
Prof. Otthein HERZOG (herzog) | |
Prof. CAO Buyang (caobuyang) |
Tsinghua University is one of the most prestigious universities of China which was established in 1911. It is a comprehensive, research-oriented institution with a variety of programs in science, engineering, art and literature, history, philosophy, economics and management, law, education and medicine and comprised of 20 schools and 58 departments. The School of Architecture of Tsinghua University (THSA) was established as Department of Architecture by the renowned architectural scholar Liang Sicheng in 1946. It is now comprised of the Department of Architecture, the Department of Urban Planning, the Department of Landscape Architecture, and the Department of Building Science and Technology. By the end of 2016, THSA has 1332 students, 47 Professors and 60 Associate Professors, as well as 38 post-doctoral researchers. In its history of more than 70 years, THSA maintained the distinctive features and advantages in the aspects of professional training, scientific research, theoretical innovation, creative practice and international exchanges. As key discipline of the University during the implementation of the national projects of “211,” “985,” and “double first-rate”, the architecture and urban planning subjects of the School ranked the first in all the previous national subject assessment. Insisting on the combination of research with practice ever since its founding, THSA has conducted several multi-disciplinary researches concerning key issues of China’s urban and rural construction and has always maintained a world-class academic level.
Address: Room 200 • School of Architecture • Tsinghua University • Beijing 100084 • China
Email of institute or contacting staff: jgs9
Phone: 86-10-62783328
Members involved in TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA
LIU Jian liujian | WP1 co-lead | Jian LIU received her Bachelor degree in Architecture and Master and Ph.D. degrees in Urban Planning and Design from Tsinghua University. She is Registered City Planner in China, Vice Dean and tenured Associate Professor of Urban Planning & Design at Tsinghua University School of Architecture, Managing Chief-Editor of China City Planning Review, and 2016 Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Graduate School of Design Harvard University. Her research focuses on urban and rural planning, urban regeneration, planning institution, and international comparison. She has published several books, either independently or in collaboration with others, both at home and abroad. Her papers are frequently seen in some top Chinese journals of urban planning, as well as international ones. In addition to her academic duties at Tsinghua University, she is active in the national and international academic circles through a number of social affiliations, serving or having served as Vice President of Asian Planning School of Association and Vice President of the World Ekistics Society. She is on the editorial board of a number of academic journals, both domestically and overseas. |
LIU Jiayan | task 1.1 co-lead | Dr Jiayan Liu (female) obtained BA in Architecture, MA and PhD in Urban Planning and Design at School of Architecture, and carried out Post-Doctor research at Department of Sociology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University. She was Visiting Fellow at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and the University of New South Wales, Australia. Jiayan also acts as a member of Consulting Team of City Construction and Management, Xicheng District, Beijing, member of Editorial Board, China City Planning Review, Editor-in-Chief, China City Planning Review, columnist of academic journals including Beijing Planning Review, Urban Planning International, etc. Her taught courses for undergraduates are: Urban Sociology, Neighborhood Planning and Housing Design, Town Master Planning, Urban-rural Social Comprehensive Investigation, Architectural Design, and for postgraduates is Comparison of Architectural and Urban Culture between East and West. Research interests are social planning in urban-rural planning, community planning & housing studies, sustainable urban regeneration and urban public space planning. |
CHEN Yulin chenyulin | task 1.4 co-lead | Yulin Chen is an associate professor in the Department of Urban Planning, School of Architecture at Tsinghua University. She received her bachelor’s degree in architecture and her PhD in urban planning from Tsinghua University. Previously, she worked in Tsinghua’s Department of Sociology as a postdoctoral research fellow. With a background in urban planning and sociology, she studies spatial responses to the integration of migrant populations, with a focus on urban governance in megacities and migrant housing policy. She is the PI of several research projects including the one titled as “Study on Migrant’s Integration from a Spatial Perspective” supported by the National Social Science Fund of China. She has published more than 20 papers and won many paper awards from Urban Planning Society of China and Chinese Sociological Association. |
Badiaa Hamama Badiaa.hamama | member | Currently following her PhD in Urban Planning and Design at Tsinghua University, focusing on the gated communities in the Chinese urban context. Badiaa Hamama got her Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. With a thesis entitled “The Meaning of the Gate in Transitional Urban China – Challenges and Potentials of the Gate in Contemporary Chinese Cities”, she pursued her Doube Master’s Degree in Architecture Construction City in 2017 from both Politecnico di Torino and Tsinghua University, Bejing – China. |