Message from the Guest Editors
We welcome contributions from a wide spectrum of disciplines. Statistical analyses and investigations about regional implications of crises as well as studies related to mitigation and adaptation policies and strategies and related governance issues. With more detail, three guiding topics shall be central to the discussion of this Special Issue of Sustainability:
- Exploring regional disparities (within countries) of the emergence of crises and their implications: Why does this happen? Which data can be used? Which empirical evidence do we have regarding the
reasons for regional disparities? - Understanding crisis management: What functions, powers, and responsibilities do regional authorities
have to react? How do they use them? How do they communicate with the regional public? - Demonstrating opportunities for ways out of crisis: Do regional stakeholders intend to “bounce back”
to a former stage? Or do they use new windows of opportunities for fundamental changes that may be
favourable to sustainable development?
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernhard Müller
Dr. Paulina Schiappacasse
Guest Editors
Further informtion: Sustainability — Open Access Journal
Download: Flyer
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2021.